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The following are some methods that can improve the stability of saturated polyester resins

The following are some ways to improve the stability of saturated polyester resin:

1. Optimize the synthesis process: precisely control the reaction conditions, such as temperature, pressure, reaction time and raw material ratio, etc., to ensure that the molecular structure and performance of the resin reach the ideal state.

2. Select high-quality raw materials: Use raw materials with high purity and less impurities to reduce side reactions and performance degradation caused by impurities in raw materials.

3. Add stabilizers: such as antioxidants, ultraviolet absorbers, etc., to prevent the resin from being damaged by oxidation and ultraviolet light during storage and use.

4. Control storage conditions: Store the saturated polyester resin in a cool, dry and well-ventilated environment, avoid high temperature, humidity and direct sunlight.

5. Adjust the formula: By changing the composition of the resin formula, such as increasing the proportion of crosslinking agents, adjusting the type and content of monomers, etc., to improve its stability.

6. Post-treatment: such as vacuum degassing, filtration and other operations to remove bubbles and impurities in the resin to improve its purity and stability.

7. Packaging protection: The use of appropriate packaging materials to encapsulate the resin to reduce contact with the external environment.

8. Improve the production equipment: ensure the cleanliness and good operation of the production equipment, and avoid the residue quality in the equipment to have an adverse effect on the resin.

9. Monitoring and quality control: During the production process and before the product leaves the factory, strict quality testing and performance evaluation are carried out to find and solve stability problems in a timely manner.
