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The storage of polymer water-based resin materials at high temperatures in summer should pay attention to the following points

The storage of polymer water-based resin materials at high temperatures in summer should pay attention to the following points:

1. Temperature control: The temperature of the storage environment should be controlled within the appropriate range as far as possible, usually recommended between 5-30 ° C, you can choose an air-conditioned warehouse.

2. Avoid direct sunlight: ultraviolet rays and heat in sunlight will have an adverse effect on resin materials, and should be stored in a cool place to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

3. Sealed storage: Ensure that the packaging container is well sealed to prevent water evaporation and foreign impurities from entering.

4. Good ventilation: Keep the storage environment ventilated, which helps to disperse the trace volatiles generated by the material and reduce the local concentration.

5. Layered storage: If the storage capacity is large, it should be stored in layers to avoid excessive accumulation and excessive internal temperature.

6. Moisture-proof measures: In summer, the air humidity is high, and desiccant can be placed in the warehouse to prevent the resin moisture absorption affecting the performance.

7. Regular inspection: Regularly check the status of the material, such as appearance, viscosity, etc., whether there is any change, if there is an anomaly, timely treatment.

8. Keep away from fire sources and chemicals: Avoid storing together with flammable and explosive materials and strong oxidants to prevent danger.

9. Follow the principle of first-in-first-out: according to the purchase time of materials, the first storage is used first to prevent long-term storage resulting in performance degradation.
